Mobile Learning

M-learning, or "mobile learning", now commonly known as "m Learning" promises to be the next learning revolution.

From a survey of literature, it looks like it means different things to different people. Even though it seems to be close to e- learning and distance education, the primary focus seems to be on learning across contexts (learner mobility) with mobile devices.

One definition you commonly find on the Internet is “ Learning that happens across locations, or that takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by portable technologies.”

We talked about collaborative learning in the past blogs.

We have a m learning product coming out next year. The last couple of days I have talked to at least three collaborators who seemed very excited about accommodating and supporting the learning of an increasingly mobile population.

Imagine the difference we can make to learning in countries such as China, India and Indonesia. Their huge populations are connected to a mobile phone and are learning hungry.

The learning - knowledge and skills journey keeps getting very exciting.


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