
Showing posts from September, 2007

The Poor Performance of Performance Management

Annual Performance Appraisals have always had mixed reviews. Managers do not like it because of the time consuming process and employees do not like it because of its perceived unfairness. The entire exercise loses the original intention of improving employee learning and performance and becomes a dreaded process. In a survey by New York based On Point Consulting, only slightly over 40% of line managers and HR Managers think there is value in a performance management process. While the tool by itself might be useful, the prevailing culture in an organisation is critical for its success. One way to improve is not to just do the annual appraisal but schedule quarterly meetings to discuss performance and make the meeting a feedback event. This requires managers to be coached. A successful performance management system should - 1. Help employees build their skills and competencies 2. Is consistently applied across the organisation 3. Uses a rating scale that enables differentiation of perf...

A great economist

We have talked about leading clever people, B players and preventing poor performance in the last few blogs. I was reviewing my old notes and then decided to check out what great economists had to say. Next week, we will see a quote from someone opposed to Keynes but for this week, I thought this quote from a great economist may make sense: "With the General Theory, as it became known, Keynes sought to develop a theory that could explain the determination of aggregate output - and as a consequence, employment . He posited that the determining factor to be aggregate demand. Among the revolutionary concepts initiated by Keynes was the concept of a demand-determined equilibrium wherein - unemployment is possible, - the ineffectiveness of price flexibility to cure unemployment, - a unique theory of money based on "liquidity preference", - the introduction of radical uncertainty and expectations, - the marginal efficiency of investment schedule breaking Say's Law (and thu...

Preventing Poor Performance

We talked about Leading Clever People and Effective Learning in the last couple of blogs. Over the last few weeks I had the opportunity to read the outstanding book FREAKONOMICS . If you have not read it, you MUST. The book will help every reader - all of us redefine the way we view the world. The most important lessons I learned from the book - the world may be complex but is not unknowable if we just can ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS . All it takes is a new way of looking. I liked the concept of Broken Windows. I first read it in Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell and now again in the FREAKONOMICS by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. The concept first appeared in an article titled Broken Windows by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling, which appeared in the March 1982 edition of The Atlantic Monthly.The idea is based on the following example: "Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows. Eve...

Effective Learning

How do we get learning to take place in a most effective manner? Just list a few: Good Schools Good Teachers Action Learning Experiential Education Adventure Learning E Learning Instructor led Learning Active Learning Accelerated Learning FUN learning We can go on discussing the various ideas proposed. Over the weekend I was rewriting my book The Magic of Making Training FUN! and as I was surfing the internet, I was overwhelmed by the amount of literature available out there. The bottom line still seems to focus on Attention, Participation, Retention and of course Transfer of learning. Education Queensland highlghts five principles: In essence, the principles emphasise the need to: understand the learner; understand the learning process; provide a supportive and challenging environment; establish worthwhile learning partnerships; shape and respond to, a variety of social and cultural contexts Let us explore these in the next couple of blogs. How do we develop people into clever peopl...

Leading Clever people

Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones identify several things we need to know about leading clever people. It is essential to know the characteristics most clever people share, these collectively make them a difficult crew to manage. 1. They know their worth. 2. They are organisationally savvy. 3. They ignore corporate hierarchy. 4. They expect instant access. 5. They have good networks and are well connected. 6. They are bored easily. 7. They won't thank you and thye assume they know most of the things. 8. They are results oriented.

What it means to work here?

Signature experiences, Inclusiveness and Congruence seem to be the answer. The Harvard Business Review article by Tamara J Erickson and Lynda Gratton describes the need for every company to have a signature experience that sets it apart. In the War for Talent, many organisations talk about being employer of choice. Signature experiences explicitly communicate what makes your firm unique and can improve employee engagement and performance dramatically. My first question after reading the article was - are we doing that in our organisation? Matching other organisations with the right offer may be attractive enough to bring employees to the door but may not be good enough to bring great employees enthusiastic about their work and fiercely loyal to the organisation and its mission. To enhance the elements of engagement and to foster deeply committed employees, the following are needed: 1.A comprehensive understanding of the types of people who will be productive to the organisation over ...

How to stay calm when under pressure?

The answer is EQ. When you bring intelligence to your emotion, it is known as Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Emotional Intelligence is often rated as the single most important differentiator for success in a highly competitive world. It is far more important than IQ - intelligence quotient. More importantly, EQ can be learned. We from the SMR Group had the honour of having dinner with the Honourable Secretary of Energy from the Philippines. To him, the entire day was a compact day. He said that with a smile. Speaking at several high profile events and meeting top diplomats had not put him under pressure. The sense of humour, he displayed was infectious. I loved his lines when he remarked in jest – “if you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance. Then baffle them with bullshit.” Laughter is indeed a great influencing tool. I relate this as I have had a packed day and have another packed few days. I am just about to collapse into bed late at night – past 130 am. Just imagine how well you...

ARTDO Bali, Indonesia

I spoke at the ARTDO Bali Conference. Around 300 participants attended the event. While I wished the Conference programme could have been more engaging, the hosts were very hospitable. And, Bali was wonderful. I happenned to read the monograph from Hay Consulting who were exhibiting at the event.Two key statements from the monograph attracted me: 1. The phrase 'our people are our greatest asset' may sound like a platitude, but the evidence is that this is true. 2. In evaluating CEO's, accountability for human capital is a key differentiator. What do you think?