Talent Management: Exclusion or Inclusion

Is Talent Management the exclusion of many as a large number of consulting professionals seem to preach? Is the view that Talent will always be restricted to a few while the majority of the workforce will remain average appropriate?
These questions dominated the agenda of the recent HR Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia. The event organised by Yayasan PPM, Indonesia, this week was a lively one. As the key note speaker, I had to bring the subject to the ground level in Asia.
  1. Firstly, anyone with the right learning opportunity can perform to the required standards.
  2. Secondly, any one who is able to connect his/her passion with his/her practice(work) is able to exceed expectations.
  3. Thirdly, we have to be careful to with the understanding of the word talent. It is not meant to be exclusive but Talent Management is a HR response intended to address the business strategy by focussing on a selected number of profesisonals who are adding value to the organisation.
  4. Fourthly, it is about attracting, recruiting and retaining people who can add value to the organisation. This does not imply we ignore the majority of the employees taken care of through functional competency development and day to day employee care.
  5. Finally, talent management is all about creating a mindset that talent must be cultivated and not left to languish.


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