
Showing posts from September, 2006

Resonant Leadership

What is resonant leadership? Change has happened so quickly, so completely, or so globally. The new world requires a new kind of leadership competency. Resonant leaders as the authors call it, are stepping up, charting paths through unfamiliar territory, and inspiring people in their organizations, institutions, and communities. Leaders who can create resonance are people who either intuitively understand or have worked hard to develop emotional intelligence - namely, the competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The Renewal process Renewing yourself and connecting with others relies on three key elements that might at first sound too soft to support the hard work of being a resonant leader. Mindfulness, Hope, Compassion. These are the three elements absolutely essential for leaders to create and sustain resonance within them and others. Dr Richard Boyatzis Leadership and Managerial Competency guru Dr. Richard Boyatzis was in Kuala ...